Another update is here.
Added a new function for all Diobs. You can now set the animation frame (and freeze on it if you want) with diob.setFrame(pFrame, pDelay, pCont) where pFrame is the frame number, pDelay is the delay to delay the newly set frame for the first time in milliseconds, and if pCont is set the animation will continue on from pFrame after the delay.
You can also now set 'isPaused' for the diob.animator object to pause or unpause animation of the diob.
Added a new Region system. You can get the region of a diob with diob.region or diob.getRegion(). Each diob can only be in one region at a time. Regions are attached to tile locations and all locations share the same Region with the same type.
You can change the Region at a certain location with the new Map.setRegion(pLoc, pT) where pLoc is the location to change and pT if the type of Region or a reference to a Region. Then you can get an array of diobs in a certain region with Map.getDiobsByRegion(pR, pMap) where pR is a Region type path or a reference to a Region and pMap is an optional map name to restrict the search to.
You can now stack tiles in the map editor, which makes the newest tile an overlay, by holding the ctrl key before placing it down.
You can now set the max FPS of the client draw system with Client/maxFPS or client.setMaxFPS(pFPS).
Also did general polish and bug fixes around the IDE and engine.
More updates soon!
Added a new function for all Diobs. You can now set the animation frame (and freeze on it if you want) with diob.setFrame(pFrame, pDelay, pCont) where pFrame is the frame number, pDelay is the delay to delay the newly set frame for the first time in milliseconds, and if pCont is set the animation will continue on from pFrame after the delay.
You can also now set 'isPaused' for the diob.animator object to pause or unpause animation of the diob.
Added a new Region system. You can get the region of a diob with diob.region or diob.getRegion(). Each diob can only be in one region at a time. Regions are attached to tile locations and all locations share the same Region with the same type.
You can change the Region at a certain location with the new Map.setRegion(pLoc, pT) where pLoc is the location to change and pT if the type of Region or a reference to a Region. Then you can get an array of diobs in a certain region with Map.getDiobsByRegion(pR, pMap) where pR is a Region type path or a reference to a Region and pMap is an optional map name to restrict the search to.
You can now stack tiles in the map editor, which makes the newest tile an overlay, by holding the ctrl key before placing it down.
You can now set the max FPS of the client draw system with Client/maxFPS or client.setMaxFPS(pFPS).
Also did general polish and bug fixes around the IDE and engine.
More updates soon!